Well drop that ball and light the fireworks......
There it is. In all it's pristine goodness. 2012.
I love a clean slate. I love organizing. I love making lists. And once a year when those three loves hook up? Well it's nothing short of some form of matrimony. It's my illusion really. That life is all together and organized and not hitting the fan on a daily basis. So when my head is spinning and I can't remember my name, the freshly organized clean slate can look back at me and say, "It's all good girl! We got you!" So bring on your bad self 2012. My mommy superpowers are in place: color coded, pre-stamped and labeled, and backed up on hard drive. Take that.
But put the kiddos to bed and have a seat. I must share the last of our 2011 ~
Because the Schroer's went out with a whole lotta happy on tap.
Christmas delivered it's own magic this year. It will go down as one of my favorites.
Part of my sneaky Santa plan this year was to surprise Kailey with a mannequin head. Because that girl loves to do hair.
I nearly died when I picked her up. I forgot that for cosmetology school they come with lice nits, long nappy hair, and random strands of grey. Monica proudly sported all three. I just love her for that.....
She found herself headfirst in a plastic bag tied in a knot and an appointment for a makeover. Sorry Monica. You'll thank me later.
After some reassurance that the lice were D E A D, Kailey was all over it. Cue hair artist:
That smile? That's your happy place darlin'. Feel it. Memorize it. Follow it. I'm behind you all the way.
Welcome to the family Monica.
Skating rink debut? We got that.....

This boy SMASHED it. And the rush for this mamma? I have no words. Raging groupie might sum it up. But I've been to a lot of concerts, and nothing got my heart pounding like watching this one. Feel it. Memorize it. Follow it, D man. I'm behind you all the way.
You know what I WASN'T prepared for?
I know you may not believe it....but I'm soooooo 9 years old here. No really. Operation Nostalgia Sneak Attack. I'm pretty sure you couldn't wipe that smile off my face if you tried. Call me crazy, but suddenly from down that long hallway of time I could hear it, smell it, feel it. The breeze in my face with a good fast skate, the Goody comb in the back pocket of my Gloria Vanderbilt jeans, the beat of Another One Bites the Dust, and Heart of Glass in my ears, that burn of the day's blisters forming on my feet, the glow of black lights and flashes of disco ball reflections ~ Once upon a time I felt it, memorized it, and without warning I was remembering it like it was yesterday. Step aside kids. Let me show you how it's done.
And you know what? I wasn't the only one feeling it.
Give some mamma's a night out and some memories and you just never know what will happen.
My love child discovered she has a skate groove too. "Can we do this again sometime mom?"
Heck ya we can.
And no year is ever complete without this:
That's a whole lotta happy. We've worked for it Brady-o. And there's NO other happy like it.
Feel it. Memorize it. Because we're living it. And I'm behind you all the way.
OH MY! Lovin' my Karen! Girl, D is not lookin' so happy to be making the rounds of the rink with his momma...just sayin'! And, Monica, seriously, you might get mother of the year for that one! Head Lice...are you nuts? Actually, don't answer that! Oh how I miss you all! Can't wait til we see each other again. One last question...why isn't Brady doing the limbo at the skating rink? Too scared? ~Kris