Never, ever, E V E R did I think I would want to take a break from shooting.
I mean life gets in the way sometimes and things get put on hold for a minute. But somewhere in the review, edit, and upload process of over 400 Mexico photos to a new blog friendly photo site, I'm afraid I short circuited. I really didn't care if I picked up my camera anytime soon, much less to upload pictures and deal with them anywhere. I lost my motivation and inspiration.
Until some Kansas love rolled into town March 28th.....
I picked up the camera, and I picked up my friend, and just like that the three of us fell into sync like breathing. Kris inspires me. Both in life, and in photography. Six fantastic days of sunshine. Laughter. Bonding. Sharing thoughts and dreams. Road trips. Riverside lunches, reflective silence, and an easiness that can't even be explained.
6 days. 900 pictures.
Because balance in life is so overrated.....
The timing was perfect, since spring has busted out like a technicolor rainbow in NC.
Hello inspiration on crack.
When I die, will you please just burry me here:
We picked up right where we had left off, without missing a beat really. There's just something that happens in my mind when I set out with no other focus than capturing the beauty surrounding me. These opportunities don't come often. In fact, they tend to come like some kind of magic fairy dust packed in the suitcase of those I love that visit. That excuse maybe, that allows your mind the full freedom to let go of all responsibilities and those evil little "I should be doing..." thoughts that try to ruin an otherwise amazing moment. But when someone is here? To visit? To see and experience a little piece of your world?
I read inside the cover of a much anticipated book that was published this week, a quote that I will translate for just such an occasion:
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your ONE wild and precious OPPORTUNITY?" ~ Mary Oliver
We had a wild and precious opportunity all right. Two mom's cut lose by their amazing and supportive husbands. So I planned a quick trip to Charleston as a surprise.
Guaranteed inspiration. Guaranteed beauty begging to be captured. Guaranteed memories.
Fairy Dust. Everywhere we turned.
We rolled up our pant legs, tromped through the rivers and creeks. Put quality blisters on our feet, and laughed in the rain. And not for one moment did we forget the unbelievable beauty we were basking in. Collecting it like our very breath depended on it. Capturing the details through those long black lens's so the memories will never be forgotten. There were so many moments we talked about how lucky we were to just BE, together, in those spots, sharing those experiences.
ONE wild and precious OPPORTUNITY
Seized baby.
Not taken for granted.
And flowing with new inspiration.